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Wed, Dec 25, 11:22 PM
10 KB
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Fri, Dec 27, 11:22 PM (3 w, 8 h ago)
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R148 fins
View Options
Version 0.1
- FCGI Support requires a recent version of Public.Web.FCGI, as changes
in the API of this module changed incompatibly.
- Simple template changes: foreach argument "var" can now be a variable
(preceeded by a '$') or a constant string, as with macro variables.
- Macro syntax: most template macros that accept arguments that are
variables located in the template data (usually, they are arguments
named "var") can now be a constant string (var="somestring") or the
previous behavior when preceeded by a '$' (var="$item.description").
- Added Fins.Model.MetaDataField, which provides a "shadow" field that
stores a mapping of data in another field. Useful for storing data
that's transient or not otherwise easily stored in a field of its own.
- DateFields and its derivatives accept time fractions (such as the result
- Added LMTP and SMTP processors. Currently, there's not much glue, so
you'd need to implement the callbacks (which currently accept any
mail delivered.)
- Added HTTPRequest->get_client_addr() which is X-Forwarded-For aware.
Note that the X-F-F header is easily spoofed, so do not use this
in situations where this would be dangerous.
- Added cast() to Model.DataObjectInstance, to make it easier to get
a mapping containing the contents of the object.
- Added support for controlling FinServe's session configuration values
(storage type, location and session timeout) from the app config file.
- Added text="" option to language_selector macro to specify text in front
of the dropdown control. Value defaults to "Language:"
- Errors generated during template compilation are now handled more
consistently; they are less likely to be swallowed, and are
presented to the client uniformly.
- Fins.StaticController added, which allows static directories to be
served from within an app, much like /static/ is served by default.
- templates that render to wide strings are now automatically encoded
as UTF-8 before being returned to the client.
- ePike templates can call macros using the syntax: <%#macroname%>,
with arguments passed as though a mapping, without the ([]). Example:
<%#humanize "var": "standard_id"%>
- New template type "ePike" provides simple PSP embedded pike syntax for
situations where Simple templates are not expressive enough.
- Autodetection of Model fields works properly for floats
(Christian Ress)
- Added <%available languages name="varname"%> and <%language_selector%>
macros for generating custom and standard language selectors,
- All of the *Request objects treat the presence of a _lang variable
specially as a way to set the LOCALE manually (instead of using
browser headers) for this to work, request->get_lang() must be called
on the page that receives the request with _lang variable, which is
any page that uses a localized string, or the language macros.
- Added L10n support in template files using <%@project name="project"%>
and <%LOCALE id="n" string="string to translate"%>
- New applications have a locale extractor configuration automatically
created as config/locale.xml, and translation strings folder structure
in translations/.
- New Locale Extractor added (pike -x fins extract_locale) with support for
Simple templates.
- FinsController->start() is now called as a callout in order to allow
the root of the controller tree to populate first.
- Simple template/PSP behavior change: if the result of a variable
replacement is not found (ie, has a zero_type() as in a mapping without
the requested index), the substitution will return an empty string rather
than a zero (0).
- Extended the Runner interface so that actions that return Runners (like
DocController and filters work properly with url_for_action and friends.
- Controllers that return runners must retain identity for a given action
in order for url_for_action to work properly.
- Response.redirect() generates proper absolute URLs in most cases now
(the exception being HTTP/1.0 requests in standalone mode and
possibly FCGI/SCGI requests).
- added __quiet flag to DocController, which hushes warnings in the debug log
generated by events without corresponding templates.
- pragma is always available in request
- DocController won't try to locate layouts each request, only the first
time and when presented with pragma->nocache.
- Added dump_data macro
- Session storage is now available in template data as "session"
- Added support for caching event lookups. This can improve performance
when controller reloading is not enabled for certain request patterns.
Configuration key "cache_events" in the "controller" secion is used
to turn this functionality on.
- Added support for "around filters" to controllers.
- Added Tools.Zip, with support for reading and writing basic Zip files.
- Added Tools.Mapping.MappingCache, a mapping that forgets entries after a
predefined time.
- Fixed Fins.Model.find.* for object types that have odd capitalization;
everything is all lowercase now.
- Added Scaffolding template support
- Added setting of key references in scaffold
- Added some of the macros needed to make Scaffolding templates easier
- Added an iterator for DataObjectInstances, with proper field ordering
- Added Application->get_path_for_action()
- Added template type StringSimple and Application->get_string_view()
- Added describe_object and action_link macros
- Added Application->get_controller_for_path()
- Added magic field "_id" in model objects for getting the primary key value.
- Applications are created with default logging configurations for each
tier, with a debug and access log.
- Added Tools.String.named_sprintf().
- added DataObject->default_sort_fields which configures the order in
which multiple objects of a given type are sorted.
- automatically set alternate key during model configuration for data sources
that provide unique constraint information (mysql in pike 7.7).
- added get_session_by_id() to Fins.Request.
- added "sessionid" macro
- pike -x fins start now uses -c|--config= configname, instead of the
config being specified using the last command line argument
- added pike -x fins model add tablename... to create model stub classes
- added DataObject, DataObjectInstance->set_operator() to set the operator
used during find operations on multiple fields.
- Added Fins.Model.InCriteria()
- added FinsController->action_url() to generate urls dynamically with
support for an application's context root (mount point)
- added FinsView->flush_templates() to flush all cached templates.
- Response->redirect() is now split into redirect() and redirect_temp().
- added Stomp and JMS messaging support
- added controller_name, controller_path and event_name to request
- added support for layouts in simple templating
- error messages are themeable: templates/error/[404|500|template].phtml
- added beginning of scaffolding: crud for basic types, no joins yet.
- added validation callbacks for data model sets
- added validation override flags to skip validation
- added special Fins.Errors.Validation error type.
- added Fins.Errors for holding special exception types.
- added more friendly error messages
- added default event (index) to FinsController.
- added "internal" templates for things like the default
event view (see previous entry).
- added pike -x fins toolset
- added pike -x fins create [appname]
- added pike -x fins start [appname]
- added automatic registration of datatypes
- added automatic selection of references from database schema
- added automatic definition of data types from database schema
- added plural -> singular noun inflection
- added singular -> plural noun inflection
- added macros library: boolean, sizeof, capitalize
- added javascript macros: remote_form, javascript_includes
- add_ref() is called more consistently when creating new
data object instances.
- added support for cache headers for /static/ requests.
- added Response()->not_modified()
- added Response()->get_lang() for localization
- added Response()->fins_app
- added Configuration()->app_name
- Template.Simple macro functionality is slightly optimized
- added command line options for fin_serve, including a daemon mode
- added FastCGI and SCGI runners in fcgi/
- added -p portnum option to (f|s)cgi/runners
- reorganized FinsBase, got rid of methods for app, model, view; added cache
- moved macros to FinsView
- moved Fins.Template functionality to FinsView
- added XMLRPCController, a FinsController variant which allows methods in
a controller to be called via an XMLRPC call to the controller "mount"
point. All public functions will be made available via XMLRPC, and each
receives the Request object as the first argument.
- created Fins.Template.View as a wrapper around a Template and TemplateData
- added FinsView->get_view("templatename"), all template getting methods will
automatically add the apropriate template extension, so don't provide the
.phtml or .xml extensions.
- added Response->set_view(Template.View);
- added Request()->not_args, the part of the request path that triggered
the event being called.
- added DocController, a FinsController variant which will pass a
preselected template to the event function, based on the event's
location within the request tree.
- added config option view/reload that can be used to reload page
templates when they are changed. useful for development purposes.
- added Model.BinaryStringField, and support for encoding and decoding
binary strings.
- added Model.CompoundCriteria and Model.LimitCriteria
- added macro: format_time
- added JSONController
- added before_filter() and after_filter() to controller
- added Helpers.Filters.Compress for server->client compression of data.
- added sliding expiration to cache, moved cache to Fins.Cache.Cache;
leaving a placeholder behind.
- added "bt" and "backtrace" commands to the breakpoint hilfe.
- added load_controller(controllername) to FinsController. You must use this
method to load controllers now.
- controllers and view can be set to auto-reload for speedier development
- added DataObject->add_default_data_object() to allow specification of
default objects on new object attributes.
Event Timeline
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