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Dec 25 2024, 8:29 PM


import Fins;
inherit FinsBase;
int lower_case_link_names = 0;
object log = Tools.Logging.get_logger("model");
static void create(Fins.Application a)
//! configures any models defined in the application's configuration file. this method is automatically called
//! by the constructor.
//! an application normally contains a default model, which is specified in the "model" section of the application's
//! configuration file. additional model definitions can be specified in the configuration file by adding sections
//! whose name is in the form of "model_x" where x is some unique identifier.
//! valid configuration values for a model definition include "id", "datasource", "definition_module" and "debug".
//! The "datasource" attribute is mandatory for all model definitions; "definition_module" and "id" are mandatory for
//! all definitions other than the default, and all other attributes are optional for all model definitions.
//! when each model is loaded, a database connection will be made and all registered data types will be configured,
//! either manually or automatically using database reflection. Additionally the default context for each model
//! definition will be registered in @[Fins.DataSources] using the value of its "id" attribute as the key.
//! in addition to being available from Fins.Model, the default model is also available from @[Fins.Datasources] by its
//! "id" attribute, or if no "id" is specified, using the key "_default".
//! @example
//! // get a context for the default model
//! Fins.Model.DataModelContext ctx = Fins.DataSources._default;
//! // get a context for the model whose configuration specifies an "id" of "my_additional_model"
//! Fins.Model.DataModelContext ctx2 = Fins.DataSources.my_additional_model;
void load_model()
object context = configure_context(config["model"], 1);
Fins.Model.set_context("_default", context);
Fins.Model.set_context(config["model"]["id"], context);
foreach(glob("model_*", config->get_sections());; string md)
log->info("configuring model id <" + config[md]["id"] + "> specified in config secion " + md);
object ctx = configure_context(config[md], 0);
Fins.Model.set_context(config[md]["id"], ctx);
object get_context(mapping config_section)
return master()->resolv("Fins.Model.DataModelContext")();
object get_repository(mapping config_section)
return Fins.Model.Repository();
object configure_context(mapping config_section, int is_default)
object repository;
string definition_module;
repository = get_repository(config_section);
object o;
object defaults = Fins.Helpers.Defaults;
catch(defaults = (object)"defaults");
if(is_default) definition_module = (config_section->definition_module || config->app_name);
else definition_module = config_section->definition_module;
throw(Error.Generic("No model definition module specified. Cannot configure model."));
if(o = master()->resolv(definition_module + "." + defaults->data_mapping_module_name))
if(o = master()->resolv(definition_module + "." + defaults->data_instance_module_name))
string url = config_section["datasource"];
object d = get_context(config_section);
d->context_id = config_section["id"] || "_default";
d->sql = d->get_connection();
d->debug = (int)config_section["debug"];
d->repository = repository;
d->cache = cache;
d->app = app;
d->model = this;
return d;
void rebuild_fields(object ctx)
foreach(ctx->repository->object_definitions;; object d)
void register_types(object ctx)
log->warn("Using automatic model registration, but no datatype_definition_module set. Skipping.");
return 0;
object im = ctx->repository->get_object_module();
object mm = ctx->repository->get_model_module();
werror("mm: %O\n", mm);
foreach(mkmapping(indices(mm), values(mm));string n; program c)
object d = c(ctx);
program di;
if(im && im[n])
di = im[n];
if(di && !di->type_name) {/*werror("%O\n", di);di->type_name = n;*/}
throw(Fins.Errors.ModelError("No Data Instance class defined for data type " + n + " in model id " + ctx->context_id + "."));
log->info("Registering data type %s", d->instance_name);
ctx->repository->add_object_type(d, di);
protected void remove_field_from_possibles(object ctx, string field_name, string instance_name)
foreach(ctx->builder->possible_links; int i; mapping pl)
if(pl && pl->obj && pl->obj->instance_name == instance_name && pl->field->name == field_name)
ctx->builder->possible_links[i] = 0;
// there be monsters here...
void initialize_links(object ctx)
if(!ctx->repository->object_definitions ||
!sizeof(ctx->repository->object_definitions)) return 0;
foreach(ctx->builder->belongs_to;; mapping a)
log->debug("processing belongs_to: %O", a);
log->error("error processing %O->belongs_to because the type %O does not exist.", a->obj, a->other_type);
if(!a->my_name) a->my_name = a->other_type;
if(!a->my_field) a->my_field = lower_case(a->other_type + "_" +
string my_name = a->my_name;
string my_field = a->my_field;
my_name = lower_case(my_name);
a->obj->add_field(ctx, Model.KeyReference(my_name, my_field, a->other_type, 0, a->nullable ));
remove_field_from_possibles(ctx, my_field, a->other_type);
foreach(ctx->builder->has_many;; mapping a)
if(!a->my_name) a->my_name = Tools.Language.Inflect.pluralize(a->other_type);
if(!a->other_field) a->other_field = ctx->repository->get_object(a->other_type)->primary_key->name ;
string my_name = a->my_name;
string other_field = a->other_field;
my_name = lower_case(my_name);
a->obj->add_field(ctx, Model.InverseForeignKeyReference(my_name, /*Tools.Language.Inflect.singularize*/(a->other_type), other_field));
remove_field_from_possibles(ctx, other_field, a->other_type);
foreach(ctx->builder->has_many_index;; mapping a)
if(!a->my_name) a->my_name = Tools.Language.Inflect.pluralize(a->other_type);
// werror("we'll call the field " + a->my_name + "\n");
if(!a->other_field) a->other_field = ctx->repository->get_object(a->other_type)->primary_key->name ;
string my_name = a->my_name;
string other_field = a->other_field;
string index_field = a->index_field;
my_name = lower_case(my_name);
a->obj->add_field(ctx, Model.MappedForeignKeyReference(my_name, /*Tools.Language.Inflect.singularize*/(a->other_type), other_field, index_field));
remove_field_from_possibles(ctx, other_field, a->other_type);
foreach(ctx->builder->has_many_many;; mapping a)
object this_type;
object that_type;
this_type = ctx->repository->object_definitions[a->this_type->instance_name];
that_type = ctx->repository->object_definitions[a->that_type];
log->debug("*** have a Many-to-Many relationship in %s between %O and %O", a->join_table, this_type, that_type);
string this_name = a->this_name;
string that_name = a->that_name;
this_name = lower_case(this_name);
that_name = lower_case(that_name);
this_type->add_field(ctx, Model.MultiKeyReference(this_type, Tools.Language.Inflect.pluralize(that_name),
lower_case(this_type->instance_name + "_" + this_type->primary_key->field_name),
lower_case(that_type->instance_name + "_" + that_type->primary_key->field_name),
that_type->instance_name, that_type->primary_key->name));
that_type->add_field(ctx, Model.MultiKeyReference(that_type, Tools.Language.Inflect.pluralize(this_name),
lower_case(that_type->instance_name + "_" + that_type->primary_key->field_name),
lower_case(this_type->instance_name + "_" + this_type->primary_key->field_name),
this_type->instance_name, this_type->primary_key->name));
foreach(ctx->builder->possible_links;; mapping pl)
if(!pl) continue;
log->debug("investigating possible link field %s in %s.", pl->field->name, pl->obj->instance_name);
string pln = lower_case(pl->field->name);
foreach(ctx->repository->object_definitions; string on; object od)
string mln = Tools.Language.Inflect.singularize(od->table_name) + "_" + od->primary_key->field_name;
log->debug(" - considering %s as a possible field linkage.", mln);
if(pln == lower_case(mln))
log->debug("adding reference for %s in %s id=%O", od->instance_name, pl->obj->instance_name, pl->obj->primary_key->name);
string this_name = od->instance_name;
string that_name = pl->obj->instance_name;
this_name = lower_case(this_name);
that_name = lower_case(that_name);
pl->obj->add_field(ctx, Model.KeyReference(this_name, pl->field->name, od->instance_name, 0, !(pl->field->not_null)));
od->add_field(ctx, Model.InverseForeignKeyReference(Tools.Language.Inflect.pluralize(that_name), pl->obj->instance_name, this_name));
ctx->builder->possible_links -= ({pl});
array table_components = ({});
foreach(ctx->repository->object_definitions; string on; object od)
table_components += ({ (["tn": lower_case(Tools.Language.Inflect.pluralize(on)), "od": od ]) });
// Now, we check for link-tables, that is, tables which represent a many-to-many relationship
// between two datatypes using a table that contains tuples of the two id fields.
// We do this automatically by searching for any combination of tablea_tableb in the database which
// conforms to the practice of having the fields representing the two linked tables called typeA_id
// and typeB_id where typeA and typeB are singular forms of the table name.
// for example a table used to link user and group would be called users_groups and have fields called
// user_id and group_id.
multiset available_tables = (multiset)ctx->sql->list_tables();
foreach(table_components;; mapping o)
log->debug("looking for multi link reference for %s.", o->tn);
foreach(table_components;; mapping q)
if(q->tn == o->tn) continue; // skip self-self relationships :)
log->debug(" - checking %s->%s.", q->tn, o->tn + "_" + q->tn);
if(available_tables[o->tn + "_" + q->tn])
log->debug(" - have a mlr on %s", o->tn + "_" + q->tn);
string this_name = q->od->instance_name;
string that_name = o->od->instance_name;
this_name = lower_case(this_name);
that_name = lower_case(that_name);
o->od->add_field(ctx, Model.MultiKeyReference(o->od, Tools.Language.Inflect.pluralize(this_name),
o->tn + "_" + q->tn,
lower_case(o->od->instance_name + "_" + o->od->primary_key->field_name),
lower_case(q->od->instance_name + "_" + q->od->primary_key->field_name),
q->od->instance_name, q->od->primary_key->name));
q->od->add_field(ctx, Model.MultiKeyReference(q->od, Tools.Language.Inflect.pluralize(that_name),
o->tn + "_" + q->tn,
lower_case(q->od->instance_name + "_" + q->od->primary_key->field_name),
lower_case(o->od->instance_name + "_" + o->od->primary_key->field_name),
o->od->instance_name, o->od->primary_key->name));
log->debug("possible links left over: %O", ctx->builder->possible_links);
foreach(ctx->builder->possible_links;; mapping pl)
pl->obj->do_add_field(ctx, pl->field);
ctx->builder->belongs_to = ({});
ctx->builder->has_many = ({});
ctx->builder->has_many_many = ({});

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