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import Tools.JSON;
* A JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs. Its
* external form is a string wrapped in curly braces with colons between the
* names and values, and commas between the values and names. The internal form
* is an object having get() and opt() methods for accessing the values by name,
* and put() methods for adding or replacing values by name. The values can be
* any of these types: Boolean, JSONArray, JSONObject, Number, String, or the
* JSONObject.NULL object.
* <p>
* The constructor can convert an external form string into an internal form
* Java object. The toString() method creates an external form string.
* <p>
* A get() method returns a value if one can be found, and throws an exception
* if one cannot be found. An opt() method returns a default value instead of
* throwing an exception, and so is useful for obtaining optional values.
* <p>
* The generic get() and opt() methods return an object, which you can cast or
* query for type. There are also typed get() and opt() methods that do typing
* checking and type coersion for you.
* <p>
* The texts produced by the toString() methods are very strict.
* The constructors are more forgiving in the texts they will accept.
* <ul>
* <li>An extra comma may appear just before the closing brace.</li>
* <li>Strings may be quoted with single quotes.</li>
* <li>Strings do not need to be quoted at all if they do not contain leading
* or trailing spaces, and if they do not contain any of these characters:
* { } [ ] / \ : , </li>
* <li>Numbers may have the 0- (octal) or 0x- (hex) prefix.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Public Domain 2002
* @author
* @version 0.1
* <p>
* Ported to C# by Are Bjolseth,
* 1. Implement Custom exceptions
* 2. Add indexer JSONObject[i] = object, and object = JSONObject[i];
* 3. Add indexer JSONObject["key"] = object, and object = JSONObject["key"]
* 4. Add unit testing
* 5. Add log4net
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// A JSONArray is an ordered sequence of values. Its external form is a string
/// wrapped in square brackets with commas between the values. The internal form
/// is an object having get() and opt() methods for accessing the values by
/// index, and put() methods for adding or replacing values. The values can be
/// any of these types: Boolean, JSONArray, JSONObject, Number, String, or the
/// JSONObject.NULL object.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// The constructor can convert a JSON external form string into an
/// internal form Java object. The toString() method creates an external
/// form string.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// A get() method returns a value if one can be found, and throws an exception
/// if one cannot be found. An opt() method returns a default value instead of
/// throwing an exception, and so is useful for obtaining optional values.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// The generic get() and opt() methods return an object which you can cast or
/// query for type. There are also typed get() and opt() methods that do typing
/// checking and type coersion for you.
/// <para>
/// The texts produced by the toString() methods are very strict.
/// The constructors are more forgiving in the texts they will accept.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item><description>An extra comma may appear just before the closing bracket.</description></item>
/// <item><description>Strings may be quoted with single quotes.</description></item>
/// <item><description>Strings do not need to be quoted at all if they do not contain leading
/// or trailing spaces, and if they do not contain any of these characters:
/// { } [ ] / \ : , </description></item>
/// <item><description>Numbers may have the 0- (octal) or 0x- (hex) prefix.</description></item>
/// </list>
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// Public Domain 2002
/// @author
/// @version 0.1
/// Ported to C# by Are Bjolseth,
/// TODO:
/// 1. Implement Custom exceptions
/// 2. Add indexer JSONObject[i] = object, and object = JSONObject[i];
/// 3. Add indexer JSONObject["key"] = object, and object = JSONObject["key"]
/// 4. Add unit testing
/// 5. Add log4net
/// 6. Make get/put methods private, to force use of indexer instead?
/// </summary>
//!The hash map where the JSONObject's properties are kept.</summary>
private mapping myHashMap;
//!A shadow list of keys to enable access by sequence of insertion</summary>
private array myKeyIndexList;
/// <summary>
/// It is sometimes more convenient and less ambiguous to have a NULL
/// object than to use C#'s null value.
/// JSONObject.NULL.toString() returns "null".
/// </summary>
//! Construct a JSONObject, either empty, from a JSON datastream, or a pike mapping.
static void create(void|string|Tools.JSON.JSONTokener|mapping x)
myHashMap = ([]);
myKeyIndexList = ({});
myHashMap = copy_value(x);
myKeyIndexList = indices(x);
/// <param name="x">A JSONTokener object containing the source string.</param>
private void fromtokener(JSONTokener x)
int c;
string key;
if (x->next() == '%')
if (x->nextClean() != '{')
throw(Error.Generic("A JSONObject must begin with '{'"));
while (1)
c = x->nextClean();
switch (c)
case 0:
throw(Error.Generic("A JSONObject must end with '}'"));
case '}':
key = (string)x->nextObject();
if (x->nextClean() != ':')
throw(Error.Generic("Expected a ':' after a key"));
object obj = x->nextObject();
if(objectp(obj) && obj->toNative)
myHashMap[key] = obj->toNative();
myHashMap[key] = obj;
switch (x->nextClean())
case ',':
if (x->nextClean() == '}')
case '}':
throw(Error.Generic("Expected a ',' or '}'"));
/// <summary>
/// Construct a JSONObject from a string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sJSON">A string beginning with '{' and ending with '}'.</param>
// public JSONObject(Hashtable map)
// By changing to arg to interface, all classes that implements IDictionary can be used
// public interface IDictionary : ICollection, IEnumerable
// Classes that implements IDictionary
// 1. BaseChannelObjectWithProperties - Provides a base implementation of a channel object that wants to provide a dictionary interface to its properties.
// 2. DictionaryBase - Provides the abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) base class for a strongly typed collection of key-and-value pairs.
// 3. Hashtable - Represents a collection of key-and-value pairs that are organized based on the hash code of the key.
// 4. HybridDictionary - Implements IDictionary by using a ListDictionary while the collection is small, and then switching to a Hashtable when the collection gets large.
// 5. ListDictionary - Implements IDictionary using a singly linked list. Recommended for collections that typically contain 10 items or less.
// 6. PropertyCollection - Contains the properties of a DirectoryEntry.
// 7. PropertyDescriptorCollection - Represents a collection of PropertyDescriptor objects.
// 8. SortedList - Represents a collection of key-and-value pairs that are sorted by the keys and are accessible by key and by index.
// 9. StateBag - Manages the view state of ASP.NET server controls, including pages. This class cannot be inherited.
// See ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/MS.MSDNQTR.2003FEB.1033/cpref/html/frlrfsystemcollectionsidictionaryclasstopic.htm
/// <summary>
/// Construct a JSONObject from a IDictionary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="map"></param>
/// <summary>
/// Accumulate values under a key. It is similar to the put method except
/// that if there is already an object stored under the key then a
/// JSONArray is stored under the key to hold all of the accumulated values.
/// If there is already a JSONArray, then the new value is appended to it.
/// In contrast, the put method replaces the previous value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string.</param>
/// <param name="val">An object to be accumulated under the key.</param>
/// <returns>this</returns>
public JSONObject accumulate(string key, object val)
JSONArray a;
object obj = opt(key);
if (obj == 0)
put(key, val);
else if (Program.implements(object_program(obj), JSONArray))
a = obj;
a->put(sizeof(a), val);
a = JSONArray();
a->put(sizeof(a), obj);
a->put(sizeof(a), val);
return this;
/// <summary>
/// Return the key for the associated index
/// </summary>
static mixed `[](mixed i)
return (string)myKeyIndexList[i];
else if(stringp(i))
return getValue(i);
static void `[]=(mixed key, mixed value)
/// <summary>
/// Return the number of JSON items in hashtable
/// </summary>
static int _sizeof()
return sizeof(myHashMap);
/// <summary>
/// Alias to Java get method
/// Get the value object associated with a key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string.</param>
/// <returns>The object associated with the key.</returns>
public object getValue(string key)
//return myHashMap[key];
mixed obj = opt(key);
if (!obj && zero_type(obj))
throw(Error.Generic("No such element"));
return obj;
/// <summary>
/// Get the boolean value associated with a key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string.</param>
/// <returns>The truth.</returns>
public int(0..1) getBool(string key)
mixed o = getValue(key);
if (intp(o))
if(o) return 1;
else return 0;
string msg = sprintf("JSONObject[%O] is not a Boolean",JSONUtils.Enquote(key));
/// <summary>
/// Get the double value associated with a key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string.</param>
/// <returns>The double value</returns>
public float getDouble(string key)
mixed o = getValue(key);
if (floatp(o))
return o;
if (stringp(o))
float f;
sscanf(o, "%f", f);
return f;
string msg = sprintf("JSONObject[%O] is not a double",JSONUtils.Enquote(key));
/// <summary>
/// Get the int value associated with a key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string</param>
/// <returns> The integer value.</returns>
public int getInt(string key)
mixed o = getValue(key);
if (intp(o))
return (int)o;
if (stringp(o))
return (int)(o);
string msg = sprintf("JSONObject[%O] is not a int",JSONUtils.Enquote(key));
/// <summary>
/// Get the JSONArray value associated with a key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string</param>
/// <returns>A JSONArray which is the value</returns>
public JSONArray getJSONArray(string key)
mixed o = getValue(key);
if (objectp(o) && Program.implements(object_program(o), JSONArray))
return o;
string msg = sprintf("JSONObject[%O] is not a JSONArray",JSONUtils.Enquote(key));
/// <summary>
/// Get the JSONObject value associated with a key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string.</param>
/// <returns>A JSONObject which is the value.</returns>
public JSONObject getJSONObject(string key)
mixed o = getValue(key);
if (objectp(o) && Program.implements(object_program(o), JSONObject))
return o;
string msg = sprintf("JSONObject[%O] is not a JSONArray",JSONUtils.Enquote(key));
/// <summary>
/// Get the string associated with a key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string.</param>
/// <returns>A string which is the value.</returns>
public string getString(string key)
return (string)getValue(key);
/// <summary>
/// Determine if the JSONObject contains a specific key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string.</param>
/// <returns>true if the key exists in the JSONObject.</returns>
public int(0..1) has(string key)
if( myHashMap[key])
return 1;
else return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Get an enumeration of the keys of the JSONObject.
/// Added to be true to orginal Java implementation
/// Indexers are easier to use
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
static array _indices()
return indices(myHashMap);
static array _values()
return values(myHashMap);
/// <summary>
/// Determine if the value associated with the key is null or if there is no value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string</param>
/// <returns>true if there is no value associated with the key or if the valus is the JSONObject.NULL object</returns>
public int(0..1) isNull(string key)
return NULLObject.equals(opt(key));
/// <summary>
/// Get the number of keys stored in the JSONObject.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The number of keys in the JSONObject.</returns>
public int Length()
return sizeof(myHashMap);
/// <summary>
/// Get an optional value associated with a key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string</param>
/// <returns>An object which is the value, or null if there is no value.</returns>
public mixed opt(string key)
if (!key)
throw(Error.Generic("Null key"));
return myHashMap[key];
/// <summary>
/// Get an optional value associated with a key.
/// It returns false if there is no such key, or if the value is not
/// Boolean.TRUE or the String "true".
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string.</param>
/// <param name="defaultValue">The preferred return value if conversion fails</param>
/// <returns>bool value object</returns>
public int(0..1) optBoolean(string key, void|int(0..1) defaultValue)
mixed obj = opt(key);
if (obj)
if (intp(obj))
return 1;
else return 0;
if (stringp(obj))
if(obj == "true")
return 1;
if(obj == "false")
return 0;
return defaultValue;
/// <summary>
/// Get an optional double associated with a key,
/// or NaN if there is no such key or if its value is not a number.
/// If the value is a string, an attempt will be made to evaluate it as
/// a number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A string which is the key.</param>
/// <param name="defaultValue">The default</param>
/// <returns>A double value object</returns>
public float optFloat(string key, float|void defaultValue)
mixed obj = opt(key);
if (obj)
if (floatp(obj))
return obj;
return (float)obj;
if (stringp(obj))
return (float)obj;
return defaultValue;
/// <summary>
/// Get an optional double associated with a key, or the
/// defaultValue if there is no such key or if its value is not a number.
/// If the value is a string, an attempt will be made to evaluate it as
/// number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string.</param>
/// <param name="defaultValue">The default value</param>
/// <returns>An int object value</returns>
public int optInt(string key, int|void defaultValue)
mixed obj = opt(key);
if (obj)
if (intp(obj))
return (int)obj;
if (stringp(obj))
return (int)obj;
return defaultValue;
/// <summary>
/// Get an optional JSONArray associated with a key.
/// It returns null if there is no such key, or if its value is not a JSONArray
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string</param>
/// <returns>A JSONArray which is the value</returns>
public JSONArray optJSONArray(string key)
mixed obj = opt(key);
if (objectp(obj) && Program.implements(object_program(obj), JSONArray))
return obj;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Get an optional JSONObject associated with a key.
/// It returns null if there is no such key, or if its value is not a JSONObject.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string.</param>
/// <returns>A JSONObject which is the value</returns>
public JSONObject optJSONObject(string key)
mixed obj = opt(key);
if (obj && Program.implements(object_program(obj), JSONObject))
return obj;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Get an optional string associated with a key.
/// It returns an empty string if there is no such key. If the value is not
/// a string and is not null, then it is coverted to a string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string.</param>
/// <returns>A string which is the value.</returns>
/// <summary>
/// Get an optional string associated with a key.
/// It returns the defaultValue if there is no such key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">A key string.</param>
/// <param name="defaultValue">The default</param>
/// <returns>A string which is the value.</returns>
public string optString(string key, string|void defaultValue)
mixed obj = opt(key);
if (obj)
return (string)obj;
return defaultValue ||"";
// OMITTED - all put methods can be replaced by a indexer in C#
// - ===================================================
// public JSONObject put(String key, boolean value)
// public JSONObject put(String key, double value)
// public JSONObject put(String key, int value)
/// <summary>
/// Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject. If the value is null,
/// then the key will be removed from the JSONObject if it is present.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key"> A key string.</param>
/// <param name="val">
/// An object which is the value. It should be of one of these
/// types: Boolean, Double, Integer, JSONArray, JSONObject, String, or the
/// JSONObject.NULL object.
/// </param>
/// <returns>JSONObject</returns>
public JSONObject put(string key, mixed val)
if (!key)
throw(Error.Generic("key cannot be null"));
if (!val && !zero_type(val))
if (!myHashMap[key] && !zero_type(myHashMap[key]))
return this;
/// <summary>
/// Add a key value pair
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key"></param>
/// <param name="val"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public JSONObject putOpt(string key, mixed val)
if (!val && !zero_type(val))
return this;
/// <summary>
/// Remove a object assosiateted with the given key
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public mixed remove(string key)
if (myHashMap[key] || !zero_type(myHashMap[key]))
// TODO - does it really work ???
mixed obj = myHashMap[key];
m_delete(myHashMap, key);
return obj;
/// <summary>
/// Append an array of JSONObjects to current object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="names"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public JSONArray toJSONArray(JSONArray names)
if (!names || sizeof(names) == 0)
JSONArray ja = JSONArray();
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(names); i++)
ja->put(sizeof(ja), this->opt(names->getString(i)));
return ja;
static mixed cast(string to)
if(to =="string")
return ToString();
if(to =="mapping")
return copy_value(myHashMap);
/// <summary>
/// Overridden to return a JSON formattet object as a string
/// </summary>
/// <returns>JSON object as formatted string</returns>
public string ToString()
mixed obj;
//string s;
String.Buffer sb = String.Buffer();
foreach (myHashMap;string key;mixed val) //NOTE! Could also use myKeyIndexList !!!
if (obj)
obj = myHashMap[key];
if (obj)
if (stringp(obj))
else if (floatp(obj))
// boolean is a problem...
else if(arrayp(obj))
return sb->get();
mapping toNative()
return (mapping)this;

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