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//! A controller that impliments REST style JSON CRUD functionality
//! for a given Model component.
//! @note
//! some TODO items
//! user authenticated changes
//! filtering more complex than by-field
//! search specifications for GET
//! methods other than GET
//! record set limitations
import Fins;
inherit Fins.MethodController;
import Tools.Logging;
//! this should be the name of your object type and is used to link this
//! controller to the model. For auto-configured models, this is normally
//! a capitalized singular version of your table. For example, if your
//! table is called "users", this would be "User".
protected string model_component = 0;
//! if your application contains multiple model definitions, this should be the
//! model "id" for the definition containing the component. the default value
//! selects the default model definition.
protected string model_id = Fins.Model.DEFAULT_MODEL;
//! a list of fields to filter from generated JSON for this type.
//! @note
//! this filter specification is shared with other JSON generating controllers
//! running in this app, so that filtering is consistent, should an object of
//! this type be present and rendered in another @[RESTController].
protected multiset fields_to_filter = (<>);
protected object model_object;
protected object model_context;
protected object render_context;
//! function used to modify the data.
//! receives an object or array of objects and returns an array, mapping or object.
protected function(array|object:array|mapping|object) transform_function;
protected void start()
model_context = Fins.Model.get_context(model_id);
model_object = model_context->repository->get_object(model_component);
model_context->repository->set_scaffold_controller("json", model_object, this);
render_context = model_context->repository->get_json_render_context();
render_context->set_filter_for_program(model_context->repository->get_instance(model_component), fields_to_filter);
protected void method_head(Fins.Request request, Fins.Response response, mixed ... args)
response->set_data("you really should do a get, you know!");
protected void method_get(Fins.Request request, Fins.Response response, mixed ... args)
array|mapping|object items;
items = model_context->_find(model_object, (request->variables-({""})));
if(args[0][0] == ':')
items = model_context->find_by_id(model_object, (int)((args*"/")[1..]));
items = model_context->find_by_alternate(model_object, args*"/");
items = transform_function(items);
response->set_data(Tools.JSON.serialize(items, render_context));

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