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//! This is an object that defines a Model-domain Data Mapping for a given table/data type.
//! This class is singleton for a given data type. Use a DataObjectInstance object to
//! retrieve data for a given data type.
//! The Fins model builder utility (pike -x fins model) will create the appropriate Pike
//! module to contain the data mappings as well as any data mapping classes needed for
//! a given database. The default mapping module for the "default" model definition
//! is "Appname.DataMappings," for additional model definitions, the base module name is
//! specified in the "definition_module" configuration attribute of the model definition.
//! For example, if the model definition section specifies "ExternalDB" as the value of the
//! "definition_module" attribute, the data mapping classes would be stored in the module
//! "ExternalDB.DataMappings."
//! Models are configured by @[Fins.FinsModel], using either database reflection or by
//! implementing the @[define] method. By default, an object that inherits this class will
//! automatically configure the mapping based on its name. For instance, a class named "User"
//! will be configured from a table called "users" in the specified database. If this
//! mapping were configured for the "default" model definition, this would be
//! "Appname.DataMappings.User."
#define R(X) master()->resolv(X)
object log = Tools.Logging.get_logger("fins.model.dataobject");
object querylog = Tools.Logging.get_logger("fins.model.query");
string default_operator = " AND ";
constant SORT_ASCEND = 1;
constant SORT_DESCEND = -1;
//! an array with each element being an array with 2 elements: a field name and
//! the sort order @[SORT_ASCEND] or @[SORT_DESCEND]. Note that any
//! criteria provided to a find operation will override this setting.
//! @example
//! array default_sort_fields = ({ ({"name", SORT_DESCEND}) });
array default_sort_fields;
string _default_sort_order_cached;
mapping default_values = ([]);
int is_base=1;
private int _field_order_specified = 0;
.Field primary_key;
.Field alternate_key;
.Repository repository;
object my_undef = .Undefined;
mapping|Tools.Mapping.MappingCache _objs = ([]);
mapping|Tools.Mapping.MappingCache _objs_by_alt = ([]);
//! contains the list of field mappings. normally, this mapping should not be modified directly; use @[add_field] instead.
mapping(string:.Field) fields = ([]);
protected array _fields = ({});
protected mapping _fieldnames = ([]);
protected mapping _fieldnames_low = ([]);
protected string _fields_string = "";
// used during initialization
protected mapping renderers = ([]);
protected int renderers_set = 0;
protected int manual_config = 0;
mapping relationships = ([]);
string single_select_query = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s=%s";
string multi_select_query = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s";
string multi_select_nowhere_query = "SELECT %s FROM %s";
string single_update_query = "UPDATE %s SET %s=%s WHERE %s=%s";
string single_delete_query = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s=%s";
string multi_update_query = "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s=%s";
string insert_query = "INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES %s";
int autosave = 1;
//! The name of this object; required if manually configuring. May be specified if auto-configuration
//! is unable to predict the proper name.
string instance_name = "";
//! The plural name of this object; required if manually configuring. May be specified if auto-configuration
//! is unable to predict the proper name. Used by scaffolding and for naming references to this object type
//! from other object types.
string instance_name_plural = "";
//! Somewhat self explanatory; mandatory if manually configuring, may be left blank if auto-configuring.
string table_name;
//! used by @[Fins.ScaffoldController] to determine the order fields are displayed in generated forms.
array(string) field_order = ({});
void set_manual_config(int mcfg)
manual_config = mcfg;
int get_manual_config()
return manual_config;
//! repo is retained, context is not. Data mapping objects that inherit this type are
//! automatically created by the model configuration mechanism provided by @[Fins.FinsModel].
void create(.DataModelContext context, .Repository repo)
repository = repo;
if(field_order && sizeof(field_order))
_field_order_specified = 1;
if(define && functionp(define))
set_weak_flag(_objs, Pike.WEAK);
set_weak_flag(_objs_by_alt, Pike.WEAK);
if(post_define && functionp(post_define))
//! enables or disables autosave of objects.
//! if autosave is enabled, each set of a field will result in
//! the data being instantly saved to the database. in this situation,
//! use @[set_atomic] to change multiple fields simultaneously.
//! if disabled, changes will be stored until the changes are commited
//! using the @[save] function.
void set_autosave(int(0..1) enabled)
autosave = enabled;
//! sets the cache period for objects of this data type.
//! Queries for objects by id (primary key) or by alternate key will consult the
//! data cache before querying the database.
//! By default, values for each data object (database row) are cached until all
//! objects using them are destroyed, at which point the data will be eligible
//! for expiration at the next garbage collection interval.
//! @param timeout
//! the number of seconds values for an object should be cached before a
//! reload from the database is forced.
void set_cacheable(int timeout)
_objs = Tools.Mapping.MappingCache(timeout);
_objs_by_alt = Tools.Mapping.MappingCache(timeout);
_objs = ([]);
set_weak_flag(_objs, Pike.WEAK);
_objs_by_alt = ([]);
set_weak_flag(_objs_by_alt, Pike.WEAK);
void set_renderer_for_field(string field, Fins.Helpers.Renderers.Renderer renderer)
renderers[field] = renderer;
else really_set_renderer(field, renderer);
void _set_renderers()
foreach(renderers; string field; object r)
really_set_renderer(field, r);
renderers_set = 1;
protected void really_set_renderer(string field, Fins.Helpers.Renderers.Renderer renderer)
throw(Error.Generic("set_renderer_for_field(): No Field " + field + " defined.\n"));
string describe_value(string key, mixed value, .DataObjectInstance|void i)
return fields[key]->describe(value, i);
string describe(object i)
mixed e = catch{
if(!i[primary_key->name]) return ("unidentified");
return (string)i[alternate_key->name];
return (primary_key->name + "=" + i[primary_key->name]);
if(e) return "unidentified";
//! @returns
//! the primary key field object for this data type.
.PrimaryKeyField get_primary_key()
return primary_key;
//! define the object's fields and relationships
//! if not defined, the object will attempt to auto-configure itself
//! from the table definition. see the Fins automatic model configuration
//! documentation for details.
void define(.DataModelContext context);
//! define the object's fields and relationships; useful for adding custom attributes
//! when also using automatic definition. If defined, this method will be called
//! whether using automatic or manual configuration.
void post_define(.DataModelContext context);
//! set the default operator to use when querying on multiple fields.
//! valid values are @[Fins.Model.OPER_AND] and @[Fins.Model.OPER_OR].
void set_operator(int oper_type)
if(oper_type == Fins.Model.OPER_AND)
default_operator = " AND ";
else if(oper_type == Fins.Model.OPER_OR)
default_operator = " OR ";
//! validates the data being set for an object.
//! runs for each individual or atomic change. If defined, this method will be called
//! for creation and update events regardless of whether @[validate_on_update] or
//! @[validate_on_create] are defined. If any validation errors have been registered in
//! the @[Fins.Errors.Validation] object passed as the second argument, the error object
//! will be thrown.
//! @param changes
//! a mapping containing the field-value pairs changed.
//! @param errors
//! a @[Fins.Errors.Validation] object that can be used to aggregate error messages
//! by using the add() method.
//! @param i
//! the @[DataInstanceObject] being created or updated.
void validate(mapping changes, Fins.Errors.Validation errors, .DataObjectInstance i);
//! validates the data being set for an object.
//! runs for each individual or atomic change on updates only. all applicable validation methods
//! will be called, and if any errors have been registered in the @[Fins.Errors.Validation]
//! object, the error object will be thrown.
//! @param changes
//! a mapping containing the field-value pairs changed.
//! @param errors
//! a @[Fins.Errors.Validation] object that can be used to aggregate error messages
//! by using the add() method.
//! @param i
//! the @[DataInstanceObject] being created or updated.
void validate_on_update(mapping changes, Fins.Errors.Validation errors, .DataObjectInstance i);
//! validates the data being set for an object.
//! runs for atomic changes at object creation time. all applicable validation methods
//! will be called, and if any errors have been registered in the @[Fins.Errors.Validation]
//! object, the error object will be thrown.
//! @param changes
//! a mapping containing the field-value pairs changed.
//! @param errors
//! a @[Fins.Errors.Validation] object that can be used to aggregate error messages
//! by using the add() method.
//! @param i
//! the @[DataInstanceObject] being created or updated.
void validate_on_create(mapping changes, Fins.Errors.Validation errors, .DataObjectInstance i);
//! transforms the data being set
//! removing an entry from the changes mapping will cause the field to not
//! be included in the update. for single field updates, this means that the change will not be made and the object will still be marked "dirty".
//! @param changes
//! a mapping containing the field-value pairs changed.
//! @param errors
//! a @[Fins.Errors.Validation] object that can be used to aggregate error messages
//! by using the add() method.
//! @param i
//! the @[DataInstanceObject] being created or updated.
void transform(mapping changes, Fins.Errors.Validation errors, .DataObjectInstance i);
protected void reflect_definition(.DataModelContext context)
string table;
string instance = master()->describe_program(object_program(this));
if(search(instance, "/") != -1)
instance = (instance / "/")[-1];
else if(has_suffix(instance, ".pike"))
instance = instance[0..sizeof(instance)-6];
instance = (instance /".")[-1];
instance = basename(instance);
if(!instance_name || !sizeof(instance_name))
if(!instance_name_plural || !sizeof(instance_name_plural))
table = get_table_name();
if(!table || !sizeof(table))
throw(Error.Generic("No table name defined.\n"));
log->info("reflect_definition: table name for %s is %s.", instance, table);
// load from the object
instance = instance_name;
foreach(context->personality->list_fields(table) ;; mapping field)
// mapping field = context->personality->map_field(t, table);
log->debug("reflect_definition: looking at field %s: %O.", field->name, field);
if(field->primary_key || (!primary_key && field->name =="id"))
// for now, primary keys must be integer.
if(field->type!="integer") continue;
log->debug("reflect_definition: have a primary key.");
add_field(context, field->type_class||.PrimaryKeyField(field->name));
else if(field->type != "integer" || search(field->name, "_")==-1)
do_add_field(context, field);
log->debug("reflect_definition: have a possible link.");
context->builder->possible_links += ({ (["obj": this, "field": field]) });
if(!primary_key) throw(Error.Generic("No primary key defined for " + instance_name + ".\n"));
void do_add_field(.DataModelContext context, mapping field)
// some default values are returned from the database already quoted. we want to remove that.
if(field->default && stringp(field->default) && has_prefix(field->default, "'") && has_suffix(field->default, "'"))
sscanf(field->default, "'%s'", field->default);
log->debug("adding field %O.", field);
if(field->type == "integer")
add_field(context, (field->type_class||R("Fins.Model.IntField"))(field->name, field->length, !field->not_null,
if(field->type == "float")
add_field(context, (field->type_class||R("Fins.Model.FloatField"))(field->name, field->length, !field->not_null, field->default?(float)field->default:0));
if(field->type == "timestamp")
add_field(context, (field->type_class||R("Fins.Model.TimeStampField"))(field->name, 0));
else if(field->type == "date")
add_field(context, (field->type_class||R("Fins.Model.DateField"))(field->name, !field->not_null, field->default));
else if(field->type == "datetime")
add_field(context, (field->type_class||R("Fins.Model.DateTimeField"))(field->name, !field->not_null, field->default));
else if(field->type == "time")
add_field(context, (field->type_class||R("Fins.Model.TimeField"))(field->name, !field->not_null, field->default));
else if(field->type == "string")
add_field(context, (field->type_class||R("Fins.Model.StringField"))(field->name, field->length, !field->not_null, field->default));
else if(field->type == "binary_string")
add_field(context, (field->type_class||R("Fins.Model.BinaryStringField"))(field->name, field->length, !field->not_null, field->default));
if(field->unique && ! alternate_key)
//! define a one to one relationship in which the local object has a field
//! which contains the id of instance of another data type. the reverse
//! relationship can be defined in the other datatype using @[has_many].
//! @param other_type
//! the data type name (not the table name) of the type the field references.
//! @param my_name
//! an optional attribute used to specify the name the object will be available
//! as in the current object. The default, if not specified, is the name of the
//! other type.
//! @param my_field
//! an optional attribute that specifies the field in the table of the local
//! datatype. if not specified, this defaults to the singular inflection of the
//! other datatype, and the database field name of the other data type's primary
//! key, separated by an underscore.
void belongs_to(.DataModelContext context, string other_type, string|void my_name, string|void my_field, mapping|void args)
context->builder->belongs_to += ({ (["my_name": my_name, "other_type": other_type, "my_field": my_field, "obj": this, "nullable": args?args->nullable:0]) });
//! define a one to many relationship in which the local object is referred to
//! by one or more objects of another datatype. this method defines the reverse of
//! @[belongs_to]. note that a datatype that uses this method won't have a field
//! in the corresponding "local" database table that contains the reference
//! information. as a result, the parameters in this method don't use database
//! field names at all, unlike @[belongs_to].
//! @param other_type
//! data type name (not the table name) of the type the field references.
//! @param my_name
//! an optional attribute used to specify the name the object will be available
//! as in the current object. The default, if not specified, is the pluralized name of the
//! other type.
//! @param other_field
//! the name of the field in the other datatype (not a database field name) that
//! represents the link to this data type. If you used @[belongs_to] and specified an alternate
//! value for the my_name attribute, you'll need to provide that value to this parameter as well.
void has_many(.DataModelContext context, string other_type, string|void my_name, string|void other_field, .Criteria|void criteria)
context->builder->has_many += ({ (["my_name": my_name, "other_type": other_type, "other_field": other_field, "obj": this, "criteria": criteria]) });
//! define a one to many relationship in which the local object is referred to
//! by one or more objects of another datatype. the related objects will be placed in
//! a mapping based on the value of the index field. this method defines (a variation on)
//! the reverse of @[belongs_to]. note that a datatype that uses this method won't have
//! a field in the corresponding "local" database table that contains the reference
//! information. as a result, the parameters in this method don't use database
//! field names at all, unlike @[belongs_to].
//! @param other_type
//! data type name (not the table name) of the type the field references.
//! @param index_field
//! the field that supplies the value that the records will be indexed on.
//! @param my_name
//! an optional attribute used to specify the name the object will be available
//! as in the current object. The default, if not specified, is the pluralized name of the
//! other type.
//! @param other_field
//! the name of the field in the other datatype (not a database field name) that
//! represents the link to this data type. If you used @[belongs_to] and specified an alternate
//! value for the my_name attribute, you'll need to provide that value to this parameter as well.
void has_many_by_index(.DataModelContext context, string other_type, string index_field, string|void my_name, string|void other_field)
context->builder->has_many_index += ({ (["my_name": my_name, "other_type": other_type, "other_field": other_field, "index_field": index_field, "obj": this]) });
//! define a many to many relationship in which the local object can be linked to many other objects
//! and vice versa. this requires the use of a join table with two fields: one to contain the id
//! of each type being linked. Each of the two types will have an attribute that returns the
//! result of this many-to-many mapping, which we refer to as "this" and "that".
//! @param join_table
//! the name of the table containing the relationship. typically named in the
//! form of typeas_typebs.
//! @param that_type
//! the name of the other type in the relationship (this being the other).
//! @param this_name
//! the name of the attribute object to be used. often, this is the name of this type.
//! @param that_name
//! the name of the attribute object to be used. often, this is the name of that type.
//! @example
//! // assume we have a field called lists_owners that contains a many-to-many
//! // mapping of shopping lists to their owners. The data type for this type is "List"
//! // and the type of the other object is "User". The type of entity for each
//! // is "owned_list" and "list_owner", respectively. This will result in the List type
//! // having an attribute called "list_owners" and the "User" type will have one called
//! // owned_lists.
//! //
//! // the table will have 2 fields, called user_id (assuming the primary key of the users
//! // table is "id" and one called list_id.
//! has_many_to_many("lists_owners", "User", "owned_list", "list_owner");
//! @note
//! it's only necessary to include a call to this method in one of the types in the relation
//! though doing so in both (with the appropriate values for each) will not cause harm.
//! @note
//! if standard naming practices are employed for table names and field names, use of this
//! method is typically not necessary, as the auto configuration process will detect this.
//! this function is typically most useful if you want to have multiple many-to-many
//! relationships that have unique table or attribute names in the resulting objects.
void has_many_to_many(.DataModelContext context, string join_table, string that_type, string this_name, string that_name)
context->builder->has_many_many += ({ (["join_table": join_table, "this_type": this,
"that_type": that_type,
"this_name": this_name, "that_name": that_name ]) });
void add_ref(.DataObjectInstance o)
// werror("add_ref(%O)\n", o);
//! sets the instance name of this data mapping (typically the class name)
void set_instance_name(string _name)
instance_name = _name;
//! sets the plural instance name of this data mapping (typically the class name)
void set_instance_name_plural(string _name)
instance_name_plural = _name;
//! @returns
//! the name of the database table this data type maps to.
string get_table_name()
table_name = Tools.Language.Inflect.pluralize(lower_case(instance_name));
return table_name;
//! sets the name of the database table this data type maps to.
void set_table_name(string _name)
table_name = _name;
//! specifies the name of the primary key field, using the Pike-name of the
//! field, if it differs from that defined in the database.
void set_primary_key(string _key)
throw(Error.Generic("Primary key field " + _key + " does not exist.\n"));
else primary_key = fields[_key];
//! sets the alternate key field to be used for this data type. Specify using the Pike-name
//! of the field, if it differs from that defined in the database.
//! any alternate keys should be deined as UNIQUE key fields in the corresponding database table.
void set_alternate_key(string _key)
throw(Error.Generic("Primary key field " + _key + " does not exist.\n"));
else alternate_key = fields[_key];
//! specify that the default value for a given field should be the result of a search
//! for an object of a particular objecttype.
void add_default_value_object(.DataModelContext context, string field, string objecttype, mapping criteria, int unique)
default_values[field] = lambda(){ mixed i; if(catch(i = context->old_find(objecttype, criteria)[0]))
throw(Error.Generic(sprintf("Failed to find %s with criteria: %O", objecttype, criteria))); else return i;};
default_values[field] = lambda(){ return context->old_find(objecttype, criteria);};
//! specify the default value for a given field. if value is a function, this will be called and the
//! returned value will be used to set the value of the field.
void add_default_value(.DataModelContext context, string field, mixed value)
default_values[field] = value;
//! remove a field from the data mapping.
.Field remove_field(string name)
log->debug("removing field %O from %O.\n", name, this);
object f = fields[name];
m_delete(fields, name);
return f;
//! add a mapping of a Pike-name index in the data object to (typically) a
//! field in the database table for this type.
//! overwrites the field definition if it already exists.
void add_field(.DataModelContext context, .Field f, int|void force)
if(fields[f->name] && !force)
log->info("Ignoring attempt to add already defined field " + f->name +"=%O as %O.", fields[f->name], f);
fields[f->name] = f;
field_order += ({f->name});
if(Program.inherits(object_program(f), .Relationship))
relationships[f->name] = f;
mixed gen_inherits(object definition)
// we need to check to see if there are any inherited types.
foreach(Program.all_inherits(object_program(definition));;program parent)
// if the parent class is data object, don't investigate it, as it won't have any fields defined.
if(parent == Fins.Model.DataObject) continue;
mixed r = search(context->repository->program_definitions, parent);
if(objectp(r) && Program.inherits(parent))
log->info("%O has %O as a parent.\n", definition, r);
string gen_fields()
string fn;
_fields = ({});
_fieldnames = ([]);
_fieldnames_low = ([]);
// gen_inherits(this);
foreach(fields;; .Field f)
string mfn = (f->get_table?f->get_table():get_table_name()) + "__" + f->field_name;
_fieldnames[f] = mfn;
_fields += ({ (f->get_table?f->get_table():get_table_name()) + "." + f->field_name + " AS " + mfn});
fn = mfn;
else {
fn = f->get_table() + "." + f->field_name;
fn = get_table_name() + "." + f->field_name;
_fieldnames_low[f->name] = fn;
return _fields_string = (_fields * ", ");
//! perform a query
//! @note
//! this method is not normally called by end-user code.
//! @param qualifiers
//! a mapping containing a series of field -> value pairs.
//! if the value of a given field -> value pair is a @[Criteria] object,
//! the criteria object will determine the type of comparison made for
//! the field, otherwise the criteria will be an equality comparison on the
//! value (as in the SQL: field1='value' if the field field1 were a string type)
array find(.DataModelContext context, mapping qualifiers, .Criteria|void criteria, .DataObjectInstance i)
string query;
array(object(.DataObjectInstance)) results = ({});
array _where = ({});
array _tables = ({get_table_name()});
//werror("%O via %O (%O, %O, %O)", Tools.Function.this_function(), backtrace()[-4][2], qualifiers, criteria, i);
foreach(qualifiers; mixed name; mixed q)
if(objectp(q) && Program.implements(object_program(q), .Criteria))
_where += ({ q->get(name, this) });
_tables += ({q->get_table(this)});
else if(objectp(name) && Program.implements(object_program(name), .MultiKeyReference))
_where += ({ name->get(q, i) });
_tables += ({name->get_table(q, i)});
else if(!fields[name])
throw(Error.Generic("Field " + name + " does not exist in object " + instance_name + ".\n"));
_where += ({ fields[name]->make_qualifier(q)});
if(objectp(name) && name->get_table)
_tables += ({name->get_table(q, i)});
else if(fields[name]->get_table)
_tables += ({fields[name]->get_table(q, i)});
if(_where && sizeof(_where))
query = sprintf(multi_select_query, _fields_string,
(Array.uniq(_tables) * ", "), (_where * default_operator));
query = sprintf(multi_select_nowhere_query, _fields_string,
// criteria always overrides default sorting.
query += " " + criteria->get("", i);
else if(default_sort_fields)
query += (" " + _default_sort_order_cached);
querylog->debug("%O: %O", Tools.Function.this_function(), query);
array qr = context->execute(query);
mapping objs, objs_by_alt;
objs = context->xa_storage[instance_name];
if(!objs) objs = context->xa_storage[instance_name] = ([]);
objs_by_alt = context->xa_storage[instance_name + "_by_alt"];
if(!objs_by_alt) objs_by_alt = context->xa_storage[instance_name + "_by_alt"] = ([]);
objs_by_alt = _objs_by_alt;
objs = _objs;
foreach(qr;; mapping row)
string fn = get_table_name() + "__" + primary_key->field_name;
object item = object_program(i)(UNDEFINED, context);
low_load(row, item, objs, objs_by_alt);
// add_ref(item);
results+= ({ item });
return results;
void generate_sort_order()
string o = "ORDER BY ";
array x = ({});
foreach(default_sort_fields;; array f)
x += ({f[0] + " " + (f[1]==1?"ASC":"DESC")});
o += x*", ";
_default_sort_order_cached = o;
int(0..1) load(.DataModelContext context, mixed id, .DataObjectInstance i, int|void force)
// NOTE: zero is an invalid id... we use it to refer to a key reference that hasn't been set.
mapping objs, objs_by_alt;
log->debug("%O: loading object with id=%O, force=%d", Tools.Function.this_function(), id, force);
if(!id) return 0;
objs = context->xa_storage[instance_name];
if(!objs) objs = context->xa_storage[instance_name] = ([]);
objs_by_alt = context->xa_storage[instance_name + "_by_alt"];
if(!objs_by_alt) objs_by_alt = context->xa_storage[instance_name + "_by_alt"] = ([]);
objs_by_alt = _objs_by_alt;
objs = _objs;
log->debug("%O: must ask db? %O\n", Tools.Function.this_function(), force || !(id && objs[id]));
mapping object_data;
// not a new object, so there might be an opportunity to load from cache.
if(!force && (object_data = objs[id]) && mappingp(object_data))
// we might be fetching by alternate (TODO: confirm they're both in the same mapping), in which case
// TODO: is this safe? can we have other values besides primary key?
i->object_data_cache = object_data;
else // guess we need this here, also.
string query = sprintf(single_select_query, (_fields_string),
get_table_name(), primary_key->field_name, primary_key->encode(id, i));
querylog->debug("%O: %O", Tools.Function.this_function(), query);
array result = context->execute(query);
if(!sizeof(result) )
throw(Fins.Errors.RecordNotFoundError("Unable to load " + instance_name + " id " + id + ".\n"));
else if(sizeof(result) > 1)
throw(Fins.Errors.DataIntegrityError("Data Integrity Error: Unable to load unique row for " + instance_name + " id " + id + ".\n"));
// else
// if(context->debug) werror("got results from query: %s\n", query);
if(!result[0]) return 0;
low_load(result[0], i, objs, objs_by_alt);
return 1;
int(0..1) load_alternate(.DataModelContext context, mixed id, .DataObjectInstance i, int|void force)
mapping objs, objs_by_alt;
objs = context->xa_storage[instance_name];
if(!objs) objs = context->xa_storage[instance_name] = ([]);
objs_by_alt = context->xa_storage[instance_name + "_by_alt"];
if(!objs_by_alt) objs_by_alt = context->xa_storage[instance_name + "_by_alt"] = ([]);
objs_by_alt = _objs_by_alt;
objs = _objs;
if(force || !(id && objs_by_alt[id])) // not a new object, so there might be an opportunity to load from cache.
log->debug("load_alternate(%O, %O): loading from database.", id, i);
string query = sprintf(single_select_query, (_fields_string),
get_table_name(), alternate_key->field_name, alternate_key->encode(id, i));
querylog->debug("%O: %O", Tools.Function.this_function(), query);
array result = context->execute(query);
if(!sizeof(result) )
throw(Fins.Errors.RecordNotFoundError("Unable to load " + instance_name + " id " + id + ".\n"));
else if(sizeof(result) > 1)
throw(Fins.Errors.DataIntegrityError("Data Integrity Error: Unable to load unique row for " + instance_name + " id " + id + ".\n"));
// else
// if(context->debug) werror("got results from query: %s\n", query);
//werror("RESULT: %O, %O\n", result[0], _fieldnames);
if(!result[0]) return 0;
low_load(result[0], i, objs, objs_by_alt);
else // guess we need this here, also.
i->object_data_cache = objs_by_alt[i->get_id()];
return 1;
protected void low_load(mapping row, .DataObjectInstance i, mapping objs, mapping objs_by_alt)
mixed id = i->get_id();
if(!objs[id]) objs[id] = ([]);
mapping r = objs[id];
int n = 0;
foreach(_fieldnames_low; string fn; string fnl)
r[fn] = row[fnl];
i->object_data_cache = r;
objs_by_alt[r[alternate_key->name]] = r;
mapping get_atomic(int(0..1)|void recurse, .DataModelContext context, .DataObjectInstance i)
mapping a = ([]);
foreach(fields;string n; object f )
mixed v = get(context, f->name, i);
if(recurse && objectp(v) && functionp(v->get_atomic))
v = v->get_atomic(recurse);
a[f->name] = v;
return a;
mixed get(.DataModelContext context, string field, .DataObjectInstance i)
mapping objs, objs_by_alt;
log->debug("%O(%O, %O, %O)", Tools.Function.this_function(), context, field, i);
if(field == "_id")
field = primary_key->name;
throw(Error.Generic("Field " + field + " does not exist in " + instance_name + "\n"));
int id = i->get_id();
// if(context->debug) log->debug("%O(): field is %O: %O.", Tools.Function.this_function(), fields[field], objs[id]);
objs = context->xa_storage[instance_name];
if(!objs) objs = context->xa_storage[instance_name] = ([]);
objs_by_alt = context->xa_storage[instance_name + "_by_alt"];
if(!objs_by_alt) objs_by_alt = context->xa_storage[instance_name + "_by_alt"] = ([]);
objs_by_alt = _objs_by_alt;
objs = _objs;
// autosave and not new
if(autosave && objs[id] && has_index(objs[id], field))
// if(context->debug) log->debug("%O: have field in cache: %O.", Tools.Function.this_function(), objs[id][field]);
return fields[field]->decode(objs[id][field], i);
// new or non-autosave and field is changed from database
if(i->is_new_object() || (!autosave && i->fields_set[field]))
// if(context->debug) log->debug("%O(): have field in new object cache.", Tools.Function.this_function());
return fields[field]->decode(i->object_data[field], i);
//non-autosave using db value.
if(!autosave && objs[id] && has_index(objs[id], field))
// if(context->debug) log->debug("%O: have field in cache: %O.", Tools.Function.this_function(), objs[id][field]);
return fields[field]->decode(objs[id][field], i);
log->debug("%O(): loading data from db.", Tools.Function.this_function());
load(context, id, i, 0);
// if(context->debug) log->debug("%O(): have field in cache.", Tools.Function.this_function());
return fields[field]->decode(objs[id][field], i);
// werror("Error finding data for id %O; Here's the cache: %O\n\n %O\n", id, objs, fields);
throw(Error.Generic("get failed on object without a data cache.\n"));
string query = sprintf(single_select_query, fields[field]->field_name, get_table_name(),
primary_key->field_name, primary_key->encode(id, i));
querylog->debug("%O(): %O", Tools.Function.this_function(), query);
mixed result = context->execute(query);
if(sizeof(result) != 1)
throw(Error.Generic("Unable to obtain information for " + instance_name + " id " + id + "\n"));
// werror("R: %O, %O\n", result[0], fields[field]->field_name);
return fields[field]->decode(result[0][fields[field]->field_name], i);
int set_atomic(.DataModelContext context, mapping values, int|void no_validation, .DataObjectInstance i)
mapping object_data = ([]);
multiset fields_set = (<>);
multiset shadows_set = (<>);
foreach(values; string field; mixed value)
throw(Error.Generic("Field " + field + " does not exist in object " + instance_name + ".\n"));
if(Program.implements(object_program(fields[field]), .ObjectArray))
if(fields[field]->is_shadow && !fields[field]->set_atomic)
throw(Error.Generic("Cannot set shadow field " + field + ".\n"));
else if(fields[field]->is_shadow && fields[field]->set_atomic)
mixed q = fields[field]->set_atomic(value, i);
shadows_set[q] = 1;
object_data[field] = fields[field]->validate(value);
fields_set[field] = 1;
mixed key;
commit_changes(context, fields_set, shadows_set, object_data, no_validation, 0, i);
key = primary_key->get_id(i);
log->debug("%O: created new object with id=%O\n", Tools.Function.this_function(), key);
foreach(shadows_set; object fld;)
if(fld->save) fld->save(i);
i->object_data = ([]);
i->fields_set = (<>);
i->shadows_set = (<>);
commit_changes(context, fields_set, shadows_set, object_data, no_validation, i->get_id(), i);
load(context, i->get_id(), i, 1);
int set(.DataModelContext context, string field, mixed value, int|void no_validation, .DataObjectInstance i)
throw(Error.Generic("Field " + field + " does not exist in object " + instance_name + ".\n"));
if(Program.inherits(object_program(fields[field]), .Relationship) && fields[field]->is_shadow)
return 0;
throw(Error.Generic("Cannot set shadow field " + field + ".\n"));
if(!i->is_new_object() && fields[field] == primary_key)
throw(Error.Generic("Cannot modify primary key field " + field + ".\n"));
if(!i->is_new_object() && autosave)
Fins.Errors.Validation er;
// we need to validate against validates and validates_on_update
if(validate && functionp(validate))
er = Fins.Errors.Validation("Data Validation Error\n");
validate(([field: value]), er, i);
if(validate_on_update && functionp(validate_on_update))
er = Fins.Errors.Validation("Data Validation Error\n");
validate_on_update(([field: value]), er, i);
if(er && sizeof(er->validation_errors()))
if(transform && functionp(transform))
object er = Fins.Errors.Validation("Data Transformation Error\n");
mapping trr = ([field: value]);
transform(trr, er, i);
if(er && sizeof(er->validation_errors()))
if(has_index(trr, field))
value = trr[field];
log->debug("transform deleted field " + field + " from update.");
return 0;
string update_query;
string new_value = fields[field]->encode(value, i);
string key_value = primary_key->encode(i->get_id(), i);
update_query = sprintf(single_update_query, get_table_name(), fields[field]->field_name, new_value, primary_key->name, key_value);
// querylog->debug("%O: %O", Tools.Function.this_function(), update_query);
load(context, i->get_id(), i, 1);
i->object_data[field] = fields[field]->validate(value);
i->fields_set[field] = 1;
return 1;
//! if we force, any objects that refer to us will also
//! be deleted, and so on. this is a very dangerous behavior
//! and could result in large numbers of records not directly
//! related to this object being deleted.
int delete(.DataModelContext context, int|void force, .DataObjectInstance i)
mapping objs, objs_by_alt;
// first, check to see what we link to.
string key_value = primary_key->encode(i->get_id(), i);
mixed _id, _alt;
_id = i->get_id();
_alt = i->get_alt();
// we need to check any relationships to see of we're referenced
// anywhere. this will be tricky, because we need to maintain
// data integrity, but we also don't want to delete referenced records
// inadvertently.
foreach(relationships; string n; .Relationship r)
if(Program.inherits(object_program(r), .InverseForeignKeyReference))
// werror("%O is a link to this table's primary key\n", n);
mixed m = get(context, n, i);
if(m && sizeof(m) && !force) // this should work, because any object should have a size.
throw(Error.Generic("An object of type " + r->otherobject + " refers to this object.\n"));
else if(m && sizeof(m))
// we do the delete.
if(Program.inherits(object_program(r), .DataObjectInstance))
if(Program.inherits(object_program(r), .ObjectArray))
foreach(m, object item)
else if(Program.inherits(object_program(r), .MultiKeyReference))
//werror("removing relationships: %O=%O\n",n, get(context,n,i));
foreach(get(context, n, i);; object mem)
// return 0;
string delete_query = sprintf(single_delete_query, get_table_name(), primary_key->name, key_value);
querylog->debug("%O: %O", Tools.Function.this_function(), delete_query);
objs = context->xa_storage[instance_name];
if(!objs) objs = context->xa_storage[instance_name] = ([]);
objs_by_alt = context->xa_storage[instance_name + "_by_alt"];
if(!objs_by_alt) objs_by_alt = context->xa_storage[instance_name + "_by_alt"] = ([]);
objs_by_alt = _objs_by_alt;
objs = _objs;
m_delete(objs, _id);
m_delete(objs_by_alt, _alt);
return 1;
protected mapping mk_validate_fields(object i, multiset fields_set, mapping object_data)
mapping vf = ([]);
foreach(fields_set; string f;)
vf[f] = object_data[f];
return vf;
//! performs validation checking on the object without performing any database operations.
//! useful for determining whether a save or update would be successful.
//! this method does not verify that the changed data would be acceptable outside the scope of
//! the validation functions. for example, this function will not check that dates are used
//! to set date fields and so on.
Fins.Errors.Validation valid(object i)
Fins.Errors.Validation er;
mapping validate_fields;
multiset fields_set = i->fields_set;
mapping object_data = i->object_data;
// we need to validate against validates and validates_on_update
if(validate && functionp(validate))
er = Fins.Errors.Validation("Data Validation Error\n");
validate_fields = mk_validate_fields(i, fields_set, object_data);
validate(validate_fields, er, i);
if(validate_on_update && functionp(validate_on_update))
er = Fins.Errors.Validation("Data Validation Error\n");
validate_fields = mk_validate_fields(i, fields_set, object_data);
validate_on_update(validate_fields, er, i);
if(validate_on_create && functionp(validate_on_create))
er = Fins.Errors.Validation("Data Validation Error\n");
validate_fields = mk_validate_fields(i, fields_set, object_data);
validate_on_create(validate_fields, er, i);
if(er && sizeof(er->validation_errors()))
return er;
else return 0;
protected int commit_changes(.DataModelContext context, multiset fields_set, multiset shadows_set, mapping object_data, int|void no_validation, mixed update_id, object i)
string query;
array qfields = ({});
array qvalues = ({});
Fins.Errors.Validation er;
mapping validate_fields;
// we need to validate against validates and validates_on_update
if(validate && functionp(validate))
er = Fins.Errors.Validation("Data Validation Error\n");
validate_fields = mk_validate_fields(i, fields_set, object_data);
validate(validate_fields, er, i);
if(validate_on_update && functionp(validate_on_update))
er = Fins.Errors.Validation("Data Validation Error\n");
validate_fields = mk_validate_fields(i, fields_set, object_data);
validate_on_update(validate_fields, er, i);
if(validate_on_create && functionp(validate_on_create))
er = Fins.Errors.Validation("Data Validation Error\n");
validate_fields = mk_validate_fields(i, fields_set, object_data);
validate_on_create(validate_fields, er, i);
if(er && sizeof(er->validation_errors()))
mapping transform_fields;
if(transform && functionp(transform))
object er = Fins.Errors.Validation("Data Transformation Error\n");
transform_fields = mk_validate_fields(i, fields_set, object_data);
transform(transform_fields, er, i);
if(er && sizeof(er->validation_errors()))
foreach(fields;; .Field f)
if(f->is_shadow) continue; // We just skip right over "shadow" fields.
if(update_id && fields_set[f->name] && f == primary_key)
throw(Error.Generic("Changing id for " + instance_name + " not allowed for existing objects.\n"));
else if(update_id && f == primary_key)
// we can skip the primary key for existing objects.
else if(transform_fields && has_index(transform_fields, f->name))
string ev = f->encode(transform_fields[f->name], i);
// log->debug("encode field %s value %O to %O\n", f->name, object_data[f->name], f->encode(object_data[f->name]));
qfields += ({f->field_name});
qvalues += ({ev});
// we set it originally, but was removed during transform == don't include it.
else if(transform_fields && has_index(fields_set, f->name) && !has_index(transform_fields, f->name))
log->debug("transform deleted field " + f->name + " from update.");
else if(!has_index(fields_set, f->name) && default_values[f->name])
//log->debug("encode field %s using default value %O to %O", f->name, object_data[f->name],f->encode(default_values[f->name](), i));
mixed ev;
ev = f->encode(default_values[f->name](), i);
else ev = f->encode(default_values[f->name], i);
qfields += ({f->field_name});
qvalues += ({ev});
// have we set nothing, and are allowed to?
// if we're updating, it's not required.
else if((!has_index(fields_set, f->name) && f->null) ||
(!fields_set[f->name] && update_id))
// log->debug("skipping field %s", f->name);
else if(!has_index(fields_set, f->name) && !f->null)
// log->debug("encode field %s zero value %O to %O", f->name, object_data[f->name], f->encode(.Undefined));
string ev = f->encode(.Undefined, i);
qfields += ({f->field_name});
qvalues += ({ev});
string ev = f->encode(object_data[f->name], i);
// log->debug("encode field %s value %O to %O\n", f->name, object_data[f->name], f->encode(object_data[f->name]));
qfields += ({f->field_name});
qvalues += ({ev});
string fields_clause = "(" + (qfields * ", ") + ")";
string values_clause = "(" + (qvalues * ", ") + ")";
query = sprintf(insert_query, get_table_name(), fields_clause, values_clause);
querylog->debug("%O: %O", Tools.Function.this_function(), query);
array set = ({});
string set_clause = "";
foreach(qfields; int i; string n)
set += ({ n + "=" + qvalues[i]});
set_clause = (set * ", ");
query = sprintf(multi_update_query, get_table_name(), set_clause, primary_key->field_name, primary_key->encode(update_id, i));
querylog->debug("%O: %O", Tools.Function.this_function(), query);
foreach(shadows_set; object fld;)
if(fld->save) fld->save(i);
int save(.DataModelContext context, int|void no_validation, .DataObjectInstance i)
mixed key;
commit_changes(context, i->fields_set, i->shadows_set, i->object_data, no_validation, 0, i);
key = primary_key->get_id(i);
log->debug("%O: created new object with id=%O\n", Tools.Function.this_function(), key);
i->object_data = ([]);
i->fields_set = (<>);
else if(autosave == 0)
commit_changes(context, i->fields_set, i->shadows_set, i->object_data, no_validation, i->get_id(), i);
i->object_data = ([]);
i->fields_set = (<>);
throw(Error.Generic("Cannot save() when autosave is enabled.\n"));
load(context, i->get_id(), i, 1);

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